EF - 20 idioms everyone should know

EF - 20 idioms everyone should know

  1. Under the weather
  2. The ball is in your court
  3. Spill the beans
  4. Break a leg
  5. Pull someone’s leg
  6. Sat on the fence (or more generally "on the fence")
  7. Through thick and thin
  8. Once in a blue moon
  9. It’s the best thing since sliced bread
  10. Take it with a pinch of salt
  11. Come rain or shine
  12. Go down in flames
  13. You can say that again 
  14. See eye to eye
  15. Jump on the bandwagon
  16. As right as rain
  17. Beat around the bush
  18. Hit the sack 
  19. Miss the boat
  20. By the skin of your teeth 
Click the title to see the article and find out what they mean :) 

Extra from me: Take a raincheck ;) I'll let you search this one. 
